South Delta Exchange

Bay 1

20:02614 South Delta Exchange
20:12601 Bridgeport Station
20:32601 Bridgeport Station
20:37619 South Delta Exchange
20:52601 Bridgeport Station
21:02614 South Delta Exchange
21:20601 Bridgeport Station
21:36619 South Delta Exchange

Bay 2

20:01601 South Delta
20:15619 Boundary Bay
20:21601 South Delta
20:35614 English Bluff
20:41601 South Delta
20:50609 Ladner Exchange Via Tsawwassen First Nat
21:01601 South Delta
21:15619 Boundary Bay

Bay 3

20:15619 Boundary Bay
20:35614 English Bluff
21:15619 Boundary Bay
21:40614 English Bluff

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