SFU Exchange

Transit Exchange Bay 1

19:43145 Production Station
19:58145 Production Station
20:13145 Production Station
20:28145 Production Station
20:43145 Production Station
21:00145 Production Station
21:20145 Production Station
21:40145 Production Station

Transportation Centre Bay 1

19:38R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
19:42143 Burquitlam Station
19:47145 Production Station
19:54R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
20:02145 Production Station
20:03144 Metrotown Station
20:08R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
20:17145 Production Station

Transit Exchange Bay 2

19:36R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
19:52R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
20:06R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
20:21R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
20:36R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
20:51R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
21:07R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station
21:22R5 Hastings St / To Burrard Station

Transportation Centre Bay 2

19:33145 SFU
19:42R5 Hastings St / To SFU Exchange
19:48145 SFU
19:50144 SFU
19:54R5 Hastings St / To SFU Exchange
20:02145 SFU
20:09R5 Hastings St / To SFU Exchange
20:17145 SFU

Transit Exchange Bay 3

19:40143 Burquitlam Station

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