TransitDB has an Android app, with offline schedules, Compass balance check, and more. Give it a try!

TransitDB Vancouver for Android on Google Play

Bus stop timetables for routes

Get a complete listing of bus arrivals for your most frequented bus stops, valid all season long. Perhaps even print it out in case you need a low-tech hardcopy - TransitDB's stop timetables usually fit on just a single page.

Take a look at the bus stop timetable for route 49 at E 49th Avenue at Kerr »

To find your bus arrival times, enter your stop code in the search box above, or click on Routes in the navigation menu.

Bus loops, exchanges, and interchanges, at a glance

If your journey allows you to take different routes departing from a bus loop, and you just want to see all their departure times, you'll find this useful. Get a list of buses arriving and departing from every bay of a bus loop, all on one page. It's particularly useful for people commuting out of UBC!

See it in action for UBC Loop »

Just the next bus

TransitDB's 'next bus' page has been simplified. It'll also warn you when a stop is about to shut down for the night.

Look up the next bus for stop #52022 - E 49th Avenue at Knight »

First and last bus for a stop

TransitDB now provides more information about bus stops. You can find the times for the first and last bus of the day for any route serving a given stop.

Get information about stop #52022 - E 49th Avenue at Knight »

A mobile site

TransitDB has a mobile site at It's pretty fast, no matter what phone you're using.

You can save bookmarks of your favourite stops for quick reference, and also use GPS to find stops near you!

Try it out at »

Automatic updates

TransitDB now automatically synchronizes with the latest available Google Transit dataset from TransLink. This helps ensure that the schedules provided reflect the latest revisions.

QR code for UBC Loop's mobile site

QR codes

Pages on TransitDB with an equivalent mobile version will display a QR code that you can scan with your phone. It'll save you some keystrokes when you're on the go.